


How To Work Out And Stay Healthy: 11 Tips For Beginners

Table of Content

1. Why Do You Need to Work Out? 

2. How to Work Out and Stay Healthy

3. Types of workouts that work best for beginners 

4. What to eat before and after a workout 

5. Conclusion

Few people are ever really motivated to go to the gym. It can be hard to start working out, and it's even harder to stick with it. Most people who do manage to make a habit of going to the gym will eventually stop going because they don't see the changes in their bodies that they want or they get bored of the same routine. If you are like a lot of people, you want to start exercising, but you have a lot of excuses not to. 

Let’s start with the easiest excuse: you don’t have time. Sure, we all have the same 24 hours to do things, but I would argue that you make time for things you want to do. Of course, your family and friends are important, and of course, your job is important, but you would probably make time for them too if you had to. Here are a few tips on how to work out and stay healthy without quitting after a week as most people do.

How To Work Out And Stay Healthy: 11 Tips For Beginners

Why Do You Need to Work Out? 

There are countless reasons to work out, and everyone has their motivations. Some people work out to stay healthy, some people work out to relieve or manage stress, and others work out to look good. But whatever the reason, no doubt working out has many benefits. Working out has so many benefits, that it’s hard to know where to start. Here are just a few:

1. Working out has been shown to improve mental health.

2. Increases lifespan.

3. Boost energy levels.

4. It can improve your mood and help you deal with stress.

5. It can also help to improve focus, memory, and creativity. 

6. And for people who are looking to lose weight or tone up, working out is essential.

7. It can help you sleep better.

When you work out, your brain releases endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel good. This is why many people refer to working out as a “natural high.”

There are a lot of benefits to working out, and it's not just about losing weight. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your energy, prevent chronic diseases, boost your mood, and improve your sleep.

But how do you start working out if you've never done it before? The best way to start is by gradually adding more activity to your day. You can start by taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes every day, or try adding some strength-training exercises to your routine. And don't forget to drink plenty of water!

How to Start Working Out 

Starting to work out can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Start small. 

Did you know that it takes 30 days to build a habit? What kind of habit are you working on building? If you are going to the gym to get in shape, you have to make it a habit. I have a friend who goes to the gym twice a day, and then goes home and works out again. 

I always wondered how she could do that, and it turns out she had started off doing just one workout a day. She started small and built it up, and now it is a habit! The same is true for any new habit you are trying to adopt. You are more likely to succeed if you start small and work your way up. You are more likely to see results if you see progress. 

You won’t see progress if you try to take on too much at once. You don’t need to go to the gym for hours every day to see results. Just start with a few basic exercises and add more as you get more comfortable. 

2. Find a workout buddy. 

Having someone to work out with will make it more fun and help keep you accountable. Many people start working out but end up quitting because they can't find the motivation to keep going. When you have a friend, family member, or partner to work out with, it's easier to stay motivated. They can push you to work out harder, try new things, and even help you make healthier food choices.

How To Work Out And Stay Healthy: 11 Tips For Beginners

3. Set realistic goals. 

Don’t expect to see results overnight – give yourself time to get in shape. We’ve all seen them – the ripped guys with chiselled abs and biceps that look like they could bench press a tank. So how can you get a physique like that? Well, the first thing you need to do is figure out where you’re starting from. 

If you’ve never worked out before, you’ll need to do some research as to what a general workout program looks like. If you aren’t sure where to start, you can always ask a personal trainer at your gym for assistance. Once you know what your goal is, you can see what you need to do to get there. 

For example, if you want to have bigger biceps, you might want to start with a program that focuses on building up your arms before moving on to other body parts.

4. Be consistent

When you go to the gym for the first time, you feel motivated to exercise for longer because of the great feeling that you get from it. But soon enough, you'll end up not going for 2, 3, or even more weeks. You know that you should start going to the gym again, but you are simply not motivated enough to go.

The only way to get over this is to be consistent. Consistency is key. You need to go to the gym or to any other place where you'll be able to exercise regularly. That way, you'll start seeing the results you've been looking for. You must also understand that consistency is not easy, and you will have to push yourself every day to get to the gym.

5. Choose activities you enjoy

Make a list of activities that you enjoy doing, and that you know will help you meet your goals. If you're not sure what you enjoy, try different things until you find something that works for you. Figure out how much time you can spend working out each week. Be realistic. 

Plan to work out at least three times a week to see results. If you can't do that, start two times a week for the first few weeks. Remember, you don't have to do your workout all at once. You can break it up into two or three 20- to 30-minute sessions. Just make sure you do it most days of the week.

How To Work Out And Stay Healthy: 11 Tips For Beginners

6. Hydrate

When you start a routine, you must take in a lot of water to hydrate the body system. The intake of water during exercise is essential to keep the body's system hydrated. During exercise, the body loses a lot of water through sweat. 

The intake of water will help your body to get back the lost water, and the exercising body will be able to perform at its best. The water intake will help to break down the fat and the carbohydrates better in the body, leading to overall better metabolism.

7. Eat healthily

One of the most important things to keep in mind while you are on the journey to start working out is to eat healthily. The first thing that people tend to forget is that they need to eat right to get in shape, as well as stay in shape. It is more important than working out. Why? Because you have to have the energy to work out. 

You have to eat a healthy diet to get enough energy to complete the exercises. The average diet includes a lot of processed foods like chips and crisps. Also, most people eat fast food, which is not good for the body. That type of food is filled with sodium, which is not good for the heart.

8. Get enough sleep

One of the biggest things you can do to improve your health is to get enough sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep not only helps you feel refreshed the next day, but also helps you lose weight, build muscle, and feel energized throughout the day.

When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s difficult to build a healthy diet and workout regimen. It’s also much easier to overeat or skip the gym because you’re tired.

Getting enough sleep is important for both your physical and mental health. As a result, many people struggle to get enough sleep every night. Unfortunately, lack of sleep can have a serious impact on your health. When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s common for mental functions to become impaired, including concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills.

9. Supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals

One of the most important parts of staying healthy is making sure you have the right nutrients in your body. One of the best ways to do this is through vitamins and minerals. Most people don’t get enough of these nutrients in their diets, which is one of the main causes of poor health. When you take vitamins and minerals, it helps your body function at its best and can help you feel better overall.

10. Don’t overdo it!

As a beginner, don't overdo any of the routines. Learn to keep limits. Remember that the goals you already set cannot be achieved by doing more than is required, instead, you may end up hurting the body in the process.

11. Reward Yourself

There's no need to wait for rewards. Treat yourself during your workout to keep it from becoming monotonous or burdensome. Working out with a friend for social time, or taking your training outside or to a new place are all good options for rewards throughout your workout.

Staying present at the moment by beginning and finishing your day with mindful stretches is another way to reward yourself. Try a new group exercise class that includes fun activities like dance, music, cycling, and so on to spice up your routine.

Types of Workouts That Work Best for Beginners 

As a beginner, you can consider adding these routines to your daily workout:

Samples of Cardio Exercises for Beginners

  • Walking
  • Inclined walking
  • Hiking
  • Stair climbing
  • Elliptical trainers
  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Spinning
  • Jumping rope
  • Jogging
  • Marching in place
  • Mountain climbers
  • Cross country skiing
  • Jumping jacks
  • Water running
  • Swimming

How To Work Out And Stay Healthy: 11 Tips For Beginners

Beginner Total Body Bodyweight Workout Example

Do two rounds of each of the following:

  • 25 rounds of jumping jacks
  • 15 squats at your weight
  • Plank for 20-30 seconds
  • 10 walking lunges on each side
  • Ten pushups (on knees if you need to)
  • 30 seconds of stationary running with high knees
  • 15 bridges between the glutes
  • 30-second timer With a Russian spin
  • Per side, do 10 lateral lunges
  • 15 extensions for Superman's back
  • 15 triceps dip off the side of a bench or chair with bent knees (straighten your legs if they are too easy)

Beginner Total Body Strengthening Workout Example

Use a weight that you can lift with perfect form for the full range of motion for the number of reps specified for each exercise. The weight should feel difficult, particularly for the last 4 to 5 reps of each set. Do two rounds of each of the following:

  • Mountain climbers in 30 seconds
  • 12 squats at shoulder height with dumbbells
  • 10 reps of step-ups with the overhead press on each side
  • 12 repetitions with dumbbells on the chest press
  • 12 deadlifts (dumbbells or barbells)
  • 20 crunches with a stability ball
  • 12 biceps curls reps
  • 12 reps of bent-over single-arm rows on each side
  • 12 tricep extensions with dumbbells per side
  • Planks for 30 seconds
  • 12 reps of dumbbells bent-over reverse fly

Beginner Resistance Machine Workout Example

Adjust each resistance machine in the circuit according to your body size by following the directions on the machine. Use a weight that you can lift for 10 to 12 reps with correct form and a full range of motion, but that feels tough near the conclusion of each set. Perform two rounds of 10 to 12 reps of each of the following exercises:

  • Leg press machine
  • Chest press
  • Leg curls for hamstrings
  • Lat pull-downs
  • Assisted pull-ups
  • Chest fly
  • Shoulder press
  • 30-seconds plank

How To Work Out And Stay Healthy: 11 Tips For Beginners

What to Eat Before and After a Workout 

I propose the following pre-workout snacks:
Snack: A smoothie made with one cup of fruit and two cups of veggies, or a protein-rich green smoothie like this one (drink half before the workout and half after)

  • Nut butter on an apple or pear
  • Greek yoghurt with granola and berries as a snack
  • Dried fruit with mixed nuts as a snack
  • A granola bar as a snack
  • Rice cakes with nut butter as a snack
  • Oatmeal with peanut butter and berries as a snack
  • Baked salmon with brown rice and roasted vegetables as a snack


Now that you have learnt the tips on how to work out and stay healthy, what are you waiting for? Get started today and start getting the right results. Set your goals and stay on track to achieve them.

Thanks for reading and stay motivated.

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